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​Find What You are Logging For.

Shipbook gives you a smart & simple search. 
Mobile app logging remotely. Fix issues faster.

iOS log, Android log and React-Native dashboard

Over 10,000,000 device logs uploaded to Shipbook every month!

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Detect Issues Before
Your Users Do

Proactive Recurring Issue List

A unique algorithm that detects, ranks and then compiles a list of recurring issues.

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Bridging the Gap Between Developers and Non-Technical Teams.

Connecting Minds in One Chat AI

Logchat facilitates seamless communication between Developers, Product Managers (PM), Customer Support (CS) and Quality Assurance (QA) by translating app logs into simplified human language.

android log viewer & iOS log viewer
Logchat facilitates seamless communication between developers, product managers, customer support, and quality assurance by t

With critical issues,
timing is everything.

Automatic Alerts

Shipbook’s unique algorithm detects recurring anomalies and sends alerts straight to you and your dev team.

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View App Stability 
in Real-Time

Your App’s Heartbeat Monitor

At a glance overview with system metrics including log errors and usage per app version over time.

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Integrate in Minutes!
Get started faster than
you can drop anchor

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Supported Languages

Open-source SDK for developers- no matter what their language may be: Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java, or React Native including step by step quick integrations for each.

Don't limit app monitoring to crash logs alone. Firebase Crashlytics won't help for any other issues users may be experiencing.
With Shipbook you have visibility of all your app's logs and you can easily integrate Shipbook with Firebase Crashlytics for a comprehensive solution.

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Seamlessly integrate Shipbook with the tools you already use.  Share all of the information with your team via Jira and Slack!

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​Try Shipbook Now and Start Fixing Today.

Stop Trying to Reproduce Bugs.
Just Fix Them.

Lightning Speed Log Viewer

One smart simple search with multiple parameter combinations including: User ID, device type, app version, log message text and more.

Supported Languages Open-source SDK for developers- no matter what their language may be: Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java, o

RealPage never logs PII.

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